TRIP@TU'21 Session A
Diego AsencioDiego Asencio joined TRIP@TU’21 as a rising senior at Pennsbury High School. Diego loves to play ultimate frisbee in his freetime. He also enjoys playing basketball, video games, and spending time with friends and family. His favorite book is The History of Medicine by Mark Jackson. For his TRIP project, he sought to determine whether omeprazole had any unknown bad side effects.
Blog 1: Introductions Blog 2: Project Planning Blog 3: Reflections |
Daniel JohnsonDaniel Johnson joined TRIP@TU’21 as a junior at Methacton High School. He likes reading, jazz piano, and playing tennis in his free time. Daniel is interested in a future career in medicine, hoping to work in its variety of unexplored fields and treatments. This medical interest, as well as his dairy allergy, inspired his TRIP project on the efficacy of poop transplants as a treatment for autoimmune diseases.
Blog 1: Introductions Blog 2: Project Planning Blog 3: Reflections |
Bennett KutikovBennett Kutikov joined TRIP@TU’21 as a rising sophomore at Eastern Regional Highschool. He participates in a variety of activities including running his video editing business, swimming, and building computers. Through his high school, Bennett enjoys participating in the Science Olympiad. He is somewhat of a nature documentary fanatic and especially loves shows by David Attenborough. For his TRIP project, he investigated the effects of diet and exercise on energy levels of fruit flies.
Blog 1: Introductions Blog 2: Project Planning Blog 3: Reflections |
Alexandra PivenAlex Piven joined TRIP as a rising senior at Friends Select School. Alex loves cliff jumping, zip-lining, running, rowing, and almost any other outdoor activity. When she wants something more relaxing to do she enjoys baking, bullet-journaling, and reading. In school, Alex’s favorite class is biology; she especially liked learning about Rosalind Franklin's contribution to the discovery of DNA. In the TRIP lab, Alex studied the effects of GMO and non-GMO cornstarch on the development and activity levels of fruit flies.
Blog 1: Introductions Blog 2: Project Planning Blog 3: Reflections |
Samir RanaSamir Rana joined TRIP as a rising senior at Garnet Valley High School. Samir loves to play all sorts of sports like basketball, tennis, golf, and most recently, ultimate frisbee. In school, biology and anatomy are his favorite classes so far. For his TRIP project, Samir tested the effects of blue light on energy levels and anxiety.
Blog 1: Introductions Blog 2: Project Planning Blog 3: Reflections |
Katarina SliwaKatarina “Kat” Sliwa joined TRIP as a senior at Central Bucks High School South. Kat has been figure skating for nearly 11 years and has now started coaching. She also loves playing viola, wearing quirky earrings, and hanging out with her friends. In late elementary school, Kat started experiencing migraines that persist to this day with no real way to handle them. This is inspired Kat to research if ginger and/or short-term cold exposure could reduce pain for her independent project.
Blog 1: Introductions Blog 2: Project Planning Blog 3: Reflections |
Maria WahbaMaria Wahba joined TRIP as a rising senior at Harriton Senior High School. Maria has lived in three states and moved to Pennsylvania six years ago. She is excited about exploring areas of STEM and hopes to be a physician in the future. For her TRIP project, she tested to find out whether or not artificial sweeteners have adverse effects on female fertility or the gut microbiome.
Blog 1: Introductions Blog 2: Project Planning Blog 3: Reflections |